Sorong Green Tree Python For Sale



When discussing localities and race that belong to Green Tree Pythons, it is crucial to take into consideration the geographical barriers that exist in the area.

In the Papua New Guinea mainland is divided into small pockets made up of Chondro habitats by the central mountain range, which is at a minimum impedes the interbreeding between communities and allows them to evolve in isolated.

In general, we can say that there are distinct cultural differences between northern and western mainland communities that differ to the characteristics of the south and south-west.
Sorong Green Tree Python of The Vogelkop Peninsula, and Raja Ampat regions in western Indonesian New Guinea are commonly called “Sorong type” in reference to the largest city of the region.
Sorong Green Tree Python can be identified by a nearly unbroken blue dorsal line that is accompanied by blue triangle patterns both sides of this line. Blue spots can be visible on the animals’ sides, and white scales could be seen.

Their tails are typically longer and have a higher degree of taper than other species and can be black or blue at the tip. The hatchlings may be yellow or red with darker stripes on the dorsal line.

It has become common in Australia to have any animal that shows indications that are blue, to be classified Sorong sort of animal (or wrongly Sarong kind). A lot of the animals that are labelled Sorong type are actually mixed locality , and don’t exhibit the traits associated with Sorong location type.