Biak Green Tree Python For Sale


Biak Green Tree Python

  • Approximate sizes:  sizes vary, Farm Bred are approximately 2 to 4 feet long. Reaches full adult size of 4 to 6 feet in approximately 48 months.
  • Captive Bred
  • Sturdy and long lived – over 15 years in captivity.
  • Biak Green Tree Python are NOT for children but experienced reptile hobbyists enjoy this species greatly.
  • Captive bred GTP are not aggressive BUT they do require careful handling.
  • Handles fine once acclimated to being touched by its owner.
  • Unless otherwise noted, picture and video shown are a representation of this animal. As this is a live animal, there will be aesthetic variations.

Green tree pythons eat small mammals and other reptiles, such as frogs, birds, lizards, and bats, especially those found in trees.

Biak Green Tree Python are also known to eat ground-dwelling rodents1. They use their sense of smell to locate prey and are excellent climbers. As juveniles, they are diurnal and more active during the day.

They are obligate ambush predators and will lure prey close by wiggling the tip of their tail, mimicking a worm, before striking and constricting their prey. When kept as pets, they are often fed a diet that primarily consists of rats and mice