Yellowfoot Tortoise For Sale


WE HAVE A Starburst Amazon Basin Yellowfoot Tortoise FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS:
  • Geochelone denticulata
  • Farm bred
  • Approximately 7 – 9 Inches In Shell Length 
  • As Adults They Can Reach 14 Inches And Can Weigh 25 – 35 Pounds
  • Foragers Feeding On Mixed Vegetables And Calcium Dusted Greens


  • This Is Docile Reptile Perfect For Any First Time Owner Or Experienced Collector
  • They Are Native To South America And Live In Dense Rainforest And Tropical Lowlands
  • Living In The Tropical Rainforest These Animals Thrive In Warm Temperatures With Lots Of UVB Rays 
  • They Reproduce Year Round And Have About 4-8 Eggs At A Time 
  • Very Friendly And Easy To Care For And Will Live Over 50+ Years In Captivity