Jayapura Green Tree Python For Sale


Jayapura Green Tree Python


Jayapura Green Tree Python are found in the region around the city of Jayapura located situated on the northern shores from Papua, Indonesia, and extend to the adjacent regions like Lereh, Cyclops Mountain, and Arso.

It is possible that many imported chondros labelled as Jayapura may be actually from one of the nearby regions. This makes Jayapura extremely difficult to differentiate from neighboring regions especially with neonates that are yellow.

Jayapura Green Tree Python from Jayapura are able to be seen in a range of phenotypic forms that are typical of northern mainland Morelia Azureus.

They are either yellow or red in neonates, and are mostly taken in yellow. Many scientists have speculated that red neonates are typically found in higher elevations and because the Jayapura region itself isn’t so mountainous as the neighboring regions, the higher proportion of yellow neonates is a proof of this hypothesis.

Jayapura Green Tree Python eat small mammals and other reptiles, such as frogs, birds, lizards, and bats, especially those found in trees. They are also known to eat ground-dwelling rodents. They use their sense of smell to locate prey and are excellent climbers. As juveniles, they are diurnal and more active during the day. They are obligate ambush predators and will lure prey close by wiggling the tip of their tail, mimicking a worm, before striking and constricting their prey. When kept as pets, they are often fed a diet that primarily consists of rats and mice